Common Questions

Wondering why we are doing this? See below, and if you have more questions, ask us! Contact us

Where and when will the film be shown/available?

We do not know yet where the film will be available to view. Our plan is to begin filming in March 2021, and be ready for release by September.   Once it is complete, we will make it available to all former students.   Subject to future Covid-19 restrictions, we would like to arrange a screening with an open invitation to all former students.  

Why are you making this film?

Chris Malloy, producer:  I traveled on a motorcycle trip in the summer of 2020 with a friend and graduate of the Vershire School.  Along the trip, we went to visit what is left of the school. He told story after story about attending the school, and how it shaped him.  I was hooked. I wanted to find others and hear the stories and share them.  I graduated from a very traditional high school in Southern New Hampshire, 114 students in my class, 500 students in the school.  We had sports teams, lockers, 4 classes a day, all the standard high school elements.   So to hear about this school in Vermont in the 70’s/80’s was just fascinating.  

Can I submit pictures and documents without appearing in the film?

Yes.  In fact, the photos, and yearbooks are going to be a major part of helping people remember facts of their stories, and provide the filmmakers with ways to help verify  information.  We would like to hear about any photos and printed materials you have.  

If I submit photos and other documents, will I get them back?

Yes. If you prefer to ship us photos and yearbooks, we will make a digital copy for our purposes, (which we will share with you).   Its possible we may ask to hold onto a particular picture or document that we can show to other participants in the film, but all documents and photos will be returned to you.  

Can I provide information but not appear on camera? 

Yes.  We will speak with each person that submits information and clearly establish if and how you will be represented on film.   We will use standard journalism guidelines that include:

  • On the record:   Joe Smith says that “on the Mexico trip, I saw a bull fight”

  • On background:  “One former classmate, says that on the Mexico trip, he saw a bull fight”

Further, If Joe Smith says “On the Mexico Trip, I saw a bull fight with Jane Drew” We will contact Jane Drew and confirm she attended, and ask permission to be named in that story. If she declines, her name will not be included in that story.

How do I request to be interviewed?

If you would like to participate in the film, we ask that you fill out the submission form using the link below.   

Upon receiving your submission, we will review the information and schedule a time for a phone call.  We will not use any submitted information for the purpose of the film until we speak on the phone, and obtain releases. 

If I request to be interviewed, will I be guaranteed to be filmed?  Will I be guaranteed to be featured in the film? 

We can not provide those guarantees.  Participant selection for an interview and which interviews will make the final cut are decided by a number of factors.  We will do everything we can to arrange for anyone who wishes to share their story to do so.  

Where will interviews take place?  Will I have to travel?

Interview location will be decided together with the participant and the filmmakers.  We are planning to begin the filming process in March 2021.

Will filming be safe with Covid-19 concerns?

We will follow all federal, state and local laws and advisements when scheduling filming. Our production team has safely hosted multiple filming events over the past several months.  We will not put anyone at risk during the production of the film. 

What kind of stories are you looking for?

We are seeking your story.  We are looking to hear what your unique experience was attending the Vershire School.   We understand that there are fun, wild party stories, and we want to hear those.  We also want to hear about the times that were not so fun at school, the moments of personal development, or character.    We are looking to share true stories about this very unique experience.  We are not out to sensationalize any facts about the school, nor any of the people involved.  

I have concerns about appearing on film.

Good!  Most people do.   Unless you’re an acting professional, appearing on film can be unnatural and uncomfortable.  We understand that.  Our process and approach to making this film will help ease those concerns.   We are here to help you tell your story.   We will do everything we can to make this a fun, positive experience!

Are the filmmakers going to make the school or me look bad?  

Our objective in making this film is to share the story of The Vershire School. We are looking to tell that story in its entirety.  We have no agenda, bias or judgment approaching this production.  We will seek to learn as much as possible, and hear from as many perspectives as possible.   While filming, we will have a very comfortable atmosphere.   We are genuinely interested in this!  We feel a connection to the former students and have a sense of obligation to do this project well.  

Are you going to put this film on one of the large streaming platforms?

We do not know at this time.   We are approaching this project with a high quality standard in research, story development and filming production that would allow mainstream distribution.  We will make the film available to any former students of the school.

Facebook Group Info: “If I do not wish to be involved in this film, will you publish info that I have posted ?”

We will not include any names, stories, pictures or details that we do not have permission to share.